Traveling to Ujjain:
Air: The nearest airport, Indore (55 Kms.), is connected by air with Bhopal, Bombay, Delhi and Gwalior.
Rail: Ujjain is a railway station on the Western Railway line and connected with major cities in India.
Road: Good motorable roads connect Ujjain with Ahmedabad (402 Kms.), Bhopal (183 Kms.), Bombay (655 Kms.), Delhi (774 Kms.), Gwalior (451 Kms.), Indore (53 Kms.), Khajuraho (570 Kms.), Mandu (158 Kms.)
Visiting Siddha Ashram:
If you are traveling to or through Ujjain, you are welcome to visit Siddha Ashram. If you wish to stay at Siddha Ashram for serious sadhana, please contact the Ashram before coming to apply and arrange your program.
Siddha Ashram Ujjain India
Siddha Ashram is located near to Harsiddhi Temple between Ramghat and Narsinghat, on the banks of the scenic Shipra river in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India. The area contains a temple, meditation chamber and gardens, and attracts thousands of visitors seeking spiritual learning every year.[1]
The idyllic ambience at the ashram, the energetic pardeshwar (mercury) temple, underground chamber (to cut the noise) for meditation, hiranyagarbha (dome) and opportunities to learn the intricacies of yogic sciences, and also a rare chance of being initiated into the Kundalini Shaktipat are a few reasons that many thousands of spiritually inclined aspirants visit and stay at the ashram, throughout the year.
Kumbh Mela is one of the major attractions of Ujjain. Siddha Ashram located on the banks of Shipra River (spot for bathing during Kumbh Mela) plays host to many tourist groups. The experienced staff at Siddha Ashram organise guided tours, campsites, and ensure a hygienic and comfortable stay during the Kumbh Mela.
The World’s largest Paredeshvar temple at the ashram is unique. It houses a dazzling mercury (parad) shivalinga which weighs 2500 kilograms, the largest of its kind in the world. Thousands of people visit the temple to get a chance to touch the shivalinga and seek the divine vibrations that it emanates.
The Hiranyagarba Meditation Dome is one of the most sought-after meditation places in North India, as its unique design elements, will enable a seeker to achieve higher levels of concentration in an energy packed environment conducive for meditation.
Acharya Mahamandaleshwara Swami Nardanand who runs the Siddha Ahram is widely known for his Kundalini Shaktipath initiation, and his dedicated efforts in researching into ayurvedic based medicinal remedies for arthritis, malaria, chickengunya, and cancer. He has been actively disseminating medicines at various medical camps for the poor across Ujjain and surrounding states. He has been actively doing social service to help the deprived people, sadhu community, and economically backward people
Activities at Siddha Ashram
Teachings and practice
with Swami Nardanand and Swami Pranavanand
Hatha Yoga
Guided Meditation
Ayurveda advice for a healthy life
Yoga of Rituals at the temple
Hatha Yoga and Meditation
Intensive programs in Hatha Yoga at Siddha Ashram is conducted by Swami Pranavanand. The students are lead through 3 levels -Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels. The ashram’s natural, unpolluted environment with its gardens, fountains, trees, birds and river flowing besides, provides an idyllic setting for delving into the practical wisdom of Yoga.
For serious sadhakas, the underground chamber at the ashram is a power packed place to meditate. In the chamber, harmonious energies enable sadhakas to achieve higher levels of concentration. The mercury shivalinga at the Shiva Temple inspires meditators to achieve better mind control.
The Hiranyagarba (Meditation Dome) is a sought after place for yoga sadhakas from across the world.
Kumbha Mela Siddha Ashram was host to hundreds of people at the Ujjain Kumbha Mela of 1992, 2004 and now successfully in 2016.
Taking part in rituals at the Paradeshwar Temple Hundreds of Shiva devotees stream into the Paredeshwar temple at the Sidda Ashram to offer their prayers and take part in various rituals and ceremonies performed by trained priests within the ancient Vedic tradition.
An opportunity to touch, and pray at the parad shivalinga at the Paredeshwar temple is a sign of divine grace. Many devotees undertake long journeys to finally get a glimpse of this rare parad (mercury) shivalinga, which is the largest of its kind in the world.
The ashram is run by Acharya Mahamandaleshwara Swami Nardanandji who is known for his Kundalini Shaktipath initiation and research into ayurvedic based medicinal remedies.